
Index Funds

vanguard etfs


What investors should do when stock markets tank

Assess your risk tolerance, financial plan and get out your buy list

What investors should do when stock markets tank

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Is a Couch Potato Portfolio appropriate for retirees?

It can be, as long as it meets your cash flow needs

Is a Couch Potato Portfolio appropriate for retirees?

Canadian Couch Potato

China grabs a bigger share of the indexes

Passive investors should applaud changes that better represent the global markets

China grabs a bigger share of the indexes

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Advice for small investors

Got less than $100,000 saved? Here's what you need to know

Advice for small investors



Where to invest


Is investing an art or a science?

It’s a science if you’re among a group of financial advisors who build client portfolios only with the index...

Is investing an art or a science?


Discount brokerages at-a-glance

A look at the services offered by and fees associated with Canada’s biggest online brokerages

Discount brokerages at-a-glance


How to buy an ETF at a discount brokerage

Buying an ETF is just like buying a stock. We show you how to complete a trade.

How to buy an ETF at a discount brokerage


How to research a stock at a discount brokerage

Before you buy make sure you know what you’re buying. We show you some of the tools you can...

How to research a stock at a discount brokerage



How to make an online trade at a discount brokerage

It's easy! This instructional video shows you how

How to make an online trade at a discount brokerage
