An All-Star TFSA
MoneySense's All-Star stocks have helped this investor double the value of his TFSA
MoneySense's All-Star stocks have helped this investor double the value of his TFSA
![]() Alain HouleAGE: 71 PLACE: Montreal TFSA TOTAL: $84,528 STRATEGY: 100% in 24 stocks picked from the MoneySense Top 200 all-star stock charts |
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“We are in the stage where we want to enjoy our money now and dipping into the TFSA gives us those extra few thousand dollars we need to augment our lifestyle every now and then,” he says. Alain’s strategy is simple. Every year that he made a TFSA contribution he would research the top 100 All-Star Stocks recommended by Norm Rothery and pick a few he thought had good growth potential and provided a nice asset mix. Then, he simply bought them. “I put $1,000 into each stock I chose from the list,” says Alain. “And I did this for a simple reason. I really don’t want to look at charts and graphs to see my returns. When you have invested $1,000 in each stock you can see pretty easily what the returns have been on your stocks. It’s easier to see at a glance and easy to do comparisons.” It’s also easy to spot losers. In fact, two years ago Alain sold some of his Bank of Nova Scotia stock and used the extra money for vacationing. “Returns had been poor on that stock for me so I decided to sell some of it and enjoy the money now,” says Alain. Alain’s TFSA currently holds 24 stocks, including Canadian Tire, CGI Group, Nemaska Lithium Inc., Gilden Activewear, Power Financial Inc., Old Republic International Corp., MTY Food Group Inc., Richelieu Hardware Ltd., New Look Vision Group, Enghouse Systems Ltd., and several more. Even so, Alain plans to beef up his TFSA over the years and dip into it if he needs to, all the while understanding that as he moves through his retirement years, time is short. “Lynda and I probably have another 10 years—maybe less—where we can travel the world and really treat ourselves,” says Alain. “So even though the TFSA is a great savings vehicle and I see the benefits of it, the truth is I want to enjoy my money before late retirement. So my TFSA will be part investing, part lifestyle enhancing withdrawals. I’ve been very good at investing and I want to now be very good at spending and enjoying my money.” Have a TFSA strategy to share? Click here to email us »Share this article Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Reddit Share on Email