Are RESP contributions tax-deductible?

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Embark Student Corp.
An RESP account is a powerful vehicle for post-secondary savings and investments. Learn how RESP withdrawals are taxed and how to optimize contributions.
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Embark Student Corp.
An RESP account is a powerful vehicle for post-secondary savings and investments. Learn how RESP withdrawals are taxed and how to optimize contributions.
At year-end and during tax season, parents and grandparents may have questions about registered education savings plans (RESPs) and their impact on taxes in Canada: Are RESP contributions tax-deductible? Who pays the taxes on RESP withdrawals?
First, a quick refresher on these registered accounts: RESPs provide a tax-advantaged way to invest in your children’s or grandchildren’s future education. Contributions to an RESP account and investments held in an RESP are tax-sheltered as long as they remain inside it. And that’s not the only benefit of opening an RESP. The Canadian government also contributes by matching grants to your child’s RESP through the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG). (More on government grants below.)
Maximizing RESP contributions and understanding withdrawal rules can save you a lot in taxes while you save for your child’s or grandchild’s post-secondary education. Let’s look at common questions in more detail.
Unlike with a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), RESP contributions themselves do not give you a tax deduction. However, this doesn’t make the RESP account less powerful as an education savings vehicle. The RESP has three significant benefits for investors:
Money earned within an RESP could come from interest, dividends or capital gains, along with government contributions mainly through the CESG. As long as these earnings remain within the RESP account, they are not subject to tax, allowing the power of compounding to work its magic. This tax-sheltering of RESP earnings ensures that your investment and government grants can grow unimpeded by taxes, until they’re needed for the beneficiary’s post-secondary education. But, unlike a tax-free savings account (TFSA), RESP withdrawals are not tax-free when withdrawn. The money withdrawn for the beneficiary’s education—whether investment gains or grant money—is categorized as Educational Assistance Payments (EAP) and taxed in the hands of the beneficiary (the student).
Reporting your RESP on tax returns is pretty straightforward. Because RESP gains are tax-sheltered, you don’t need to make any tax declarations until the RESP money is withdrawn as EAPs. Once the money is withdrawn to pay for the beneficiary’s educational expenses, the RESP provider will give the beneficiary a T4 slip specifying the total amount of money received as EAPs in the tax year—including investment income and government grants. The amount from this T4 slip must be entered as “income” on the beneficiary’s tax return.
Although RESPs don’t have a yearly contribution limit, they do come with a lifetime contribution limit of $50,000. And yes, RESP over-contributions are definitely taxable. If contributions exceed the lifetime contribution limit of $50,000, the excess contribution is taxed at 1% per month until it’s withdrawn. This tax on overcontributions must be paid within 90 days after the end of the year in which the overcontribution happened. Overcontributions can be withdrawn and do not need to remain in the RESP.
RESPs serve as a tax-advantaged account for post-secondary educational savings and investments. It beneficially weaves together tax-sheltered investment growth, government grants and favourable withdrawal taxation rules. If you understand RESP contribution and withdrawal rules, the RESP account can be invaluable to your family’s financial toolkit.
If you need more guidance on RESPs and taxes, help is available. The RESP experts at Embark can show you how to maximize your savings and minimize taxes.
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