Extended Universal Child Care Benefit in effect
Parents can expect a lump sum payment July 20!
Parents can expect a lump sum payment July 20!
The original version of this article correctly stated that families with two children under six years old can expect a $1,040 lump sum payment. A later version of this article misstated, at one point, that families with two children under six years old can expect a $2,240 lump sum payment. It’s indeed $1,040, not $2,240.
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My 18 year old is still in highschool until June 2024. Is there any way to get financial support until the time that they graduate ? My CCB was cut off on their 18th birthday. I realize that it is supposed to end when they turn 18, but I wonder if there is any kind of financial support available at all for parents of children who are still finishing school and are not quite ready to commit to a fulltime job yet.
The loss of the monthly CCB support I have been receiving over the years is tremendous and has had a devastating impact on our household! Is there support of any kind out there i wonder? Even if it was just until the child can join the work force themselves (which will be once they graduate in June 2024)
I already work fulltime and can barely make ends meet – in fact I’m not making ends meet and I am reaching out for any help that I can get before things get any worse .
Any guidance in this department would be greatly appreciated !I