

Ask a Planner

Are your deposits at Canadian financial institutions safe?

The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has highlighted risks in the U.S. banking system. Should Canadians with large deposits...

Are your deposits at Canadian financial institutions safe?
one hand passing $10US to another

Ask a Planner

Tax planning for Canadians who invest in the U.S.

Tax planning for Canadians who invest in the U.S.

Ask a Planner

How spouses with joint accounts should claim capital losses

How spouses with joint accounts should claim capital losses
How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

Ask a Planner

How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s



A Dollarama store and a Canadian mountainous landscape


Making sense of the markets this week: June 11, 2023

Interest rates are up, volatility is down; the stock market isn’t a blackjack table; dollar stores are winning, Roots...

Making sense of the markets this week: June 11, 2023

Ask a Planner

What to do with U.S. dollar RRSPs in retirement

If you already have a Canadian dollar RRIF, should you roll the U.S. dollar RRSP into the RRIF, or...

What to do with U.S. dollar RRSPs in retirement
Benjamin Franklin on a $100 bill, not looking impressed on our first topic: debt ceiling


Making sense of the markets this week: June 4, 2023

Making sense of the markets this week: June 4, 2023
A young woman smiles as she carries school books

Making It

What to look for in your first job after graduation—besides a good salary

New grads are often shouldering debt, and many hope to land their first job quickly. Here are some factors...

What to look for in your first job after graduation—besides a good salary


A woman repairs a ceiling, and this column talks about the U.S. debt ceiling, bank and retail earnings, optimism in investing and more.


Making sense of the markets this week: May 28, 2023

Making sense of the markets this week: May 28, 2023
