


Investing tips for dual citizens of Canada and the U.S.

TFSAs are best avoided, RRSPs can work for you, and other financial wisdom

Investing tips for dual citizens of Canada and the U.S.

Ask MoneySense

At 66, borrowing to invest in a TFSA isn’t a good idea

Dawn has never had a financial plan. She should pay off her debt and focus on maximizing government tax...

At 66, borrowing to invest in a TFSA isn’t a good idea


The downside of naming children as RRIF beneficiaries

Kerry is doing some estate planning with his RRIF and wants to make sure it goes to his wife...

The downside of naming children as RRIF beneficiaries

Ask MoneySense

Should Mark invest his tax refund or put it to his mortgage?

He earns $200,000 annually and wants to prioritize his goals

Should Mark invest his tax refund or put it to his mortgage?



Ask MoneySense

TFSA, RRSP or pay off the mortgage? What should Ben do with $100,000

His gross household income is $85,000

TFSA, RRSP or pay off the mortgage? What should Ben do with $100,000
senior woman pondering

Ask MoneySense

Can Anne, 63, afford to retire right now?

Or will she run out of money?

Can Anne, 63, afford to retire right now?

Ask a Planner

Bleeding your RRSP dry to save on tax when you’re dead

Chris is retiring and living on CPP, OAS and her RRSP. She wonders if she should take more than...

Bleeding your RRSP dry to save on tax when you’re dead
young person piggy bank

Ask MoneySense

How should a 24-year-old invest a $500,000 inheritance?

Is investing it all in the stock market a good idea? Or should Eric consider a rental property?

How should a 24-year-old invest a $500,000 inheritance?


Ask MoneySense

Is it better to hold U.S. stocks in a TFSA or RRSP?

Withholding taxes can come into play. Which account is better?

Is it better to hold U.S. stocks in a TFSA or RRSP?
