

Ask MoneySense

I’m retired, should I contribute to an RRSP or a TFSA?

In most cases, TFSAs make more sense than RRSPs for retirees

I’m retired, should I contribute to an RRSP or a TFSA?


How a young couple can kill $142,000 in debt and start investing

After a work injury strikes, are they on track?

How a young couple can kill $142,000 in debt and start investing

Ask MoneySense

The smart way to invest for your kids’ inheritance

How to bypass the tax man when you pass on your money

The smart way to invest for your kids’ inheritance
rrsp contributions


RRSP top-ups in retirement could cost you

Remember: It's not worth saving $5,000 of tax today to pay $10,000 of tax tomorrow

RRSP top-ups in retirement could cost you



Ask MoneySense

Can I reclaim the withholding tax on my U.S. stocks?

Taxation of dividend income from US stocks depends on where you hold them

Can I reclaim the withholding tax on my U.S. stocks?

Ask a Planner

Should we tap the RRSP and feed the TFSA?

If one partner is home with the kids, it sometimes makes sense to withdraw from an RRSP

Should we tap the RRSP and feed the TFSA?

Ask MoneySense

Should Eleanor invest her $20,000 in a TFSA or RRSP?

How to calculate where you should put your money to grow

Should Eleanor invest her $20,000 in a TFSA or RRSP?

Ask MoneySense

How to transfer from an RRSP to a TFSA —and why you shouldn’t

Ask an Investing Expert: an investor wants to know the right way to do the wrong thing

How to transfer from an RRSP to a TFSA —and why you shouldn’t


Ask MoneySense

Preet earns $80,000. Should he max out his TFSA or RRSP?

Ask Bruce: a 30-year investor wonders which plan is right

Preet earns $80,000. Should he max out his TFSA or RRSP?
