

Ask MoneySense

Which savings plans should a 37-year-old with a military disability income contribute to, and when?

Jason and his wife have registered disability savings plans, and want to know how to prioritize their contributions among...

Which savings plans should a 37-year-old with a military disability income contribute to, and when?


The best TFSA investments in Canada

Despite its name, you can hold a variety of investment types inside a Tax-Free Savings Account—not only savings. This...

The best TFSA investments in Canada


What P/E can tell you about a stock, and what it can’t

Price-to-earnings ratio is a good (if imperfect) starting point for people who want to determine how expensive a company...

What P/E can tell you about a stock, and what it can’t

Ask a Planner

How a young family can make the best use of an insurance payout

Katie and Tom just received a tax-free, lump-sum insurance payout. They’d like advice on how to prioritize RRSPs, TFSAs,...

How a young family can make the best use of an insurance payout



Ask MoneySense

Using a TFSA to save for retirement

Five years after a debilitating accident, Kay has no savings. What should she do when her annuity payments run...

Using a TFSA to save for retirement

Ask MoneySense

When should you stop contributing to an RRSP?

Denis is in his early 50s, with a modest income. Would contributing to a TFSA instead help him to...

When should you stop contributing to an RRSP?

Ask MoneySense

Investing tips for expectant parents

Dario and Brianna estimate they’ll have $10,000 a year to put towards retirement savings, their child’s education or paying...

Investing tips for expectant parents

Ask MoneySense

Should you use TFSAs and savings to pay off your mortgage?

It’s important to consider whether your TFSAs are earning more than you’re paying in mortgage interest, as well as...

Should you use TFSAs and savings to pay off your mortgage?


Ask a Planner

Should partners combine their finances before marriage?

Mathew wants to help his girlfriend kickstart an investing plan. Is gifting money for her TFSA a good idea?

Should partners combine their finances before marriage?
