

Ask a Planner

Moving to the U.S.? Here’s what to do with your Canadian investments

Set to start a new job south of the border, Justin will need to consider that registered and non-registered...

Moving to the U.S.? Here’s what to do with your Canadian investments


Real estate has treated this investor well—but it’s time to diversify

Is going all-in on income-producing REITs the right long-term strategy, even for someone who’s highly risk-tolerant?

Real estate has treated this investor well—but it’s time to diversify

Ask MoneySense

What’s the best TFSA investing strategy for a young professional?

Semina paid off $32,000 in student debt and now wants to grow savings for her future, but isn’t sure...

What’s the best TFSA investing strategy for a young professional?


A TFSA plan to help fund retirement—without losing any sleep

Trading stocks inside Randall’s tax-free savings account resulted in some wins, but it took a lot of work. He’s...

A TFSA plan to help fund retirement—without losing any sleep



Ask MoneySense

The best TFSA investment for a time horizon of 3 to 5 years

And why an ETF may not be the answer

The best TFSA investment for a time horizon of 3 to 5 years


A TFSA strategy that lines Narayan’s pockets—not his advisor’s

He's enjoyed good returns, but Narayan may have too much exposure to Canada

A TFSA strategy that lines Narayan’s pockets—not his advisor’s

Ask MoneySense

How your tax bracket decides whether a TFSA or RRSP contribution is best

And why your tax bracket in retirement is also key

How your tax bracket decides whether a TFSA or RRSP contribution is best


Everything you need to know about RRSPs, TFSAs and RESPs

These three registered accounts have some things in common, but all serve different purposes.

Everything you need to know about RRSPs, TFSAs and RESPs



What it takes to retire at 45

Konstantino is 27 and hopes to retire by 45. He wants to know how that impacts his RRSP versus...

What it takes to retire at 45
