

tfsa contribution room

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When not to contribute to a TFSA

Richard is looking for some advice on an $80K inheritance. A TFSA isn't the holy grail of investing

When not to contribute to a TFSA

Ask a Planner

Paying off debt with investment income

Shawn can pay off his mortgage with his stock investments. The question is: Should he?

Paying off debt with investment income
capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Penalty for holding dividend stocks in a TFSA?

There are tax issues involved if you earn dividends inside your Tax-Free Savings Account

Penalty for holding dividend stocks in a TFSA?


Why your TFSA needs a successor holder

Designate one to save your spouse from complications

Why your TFSA needs a successor holder



A newspaper photo of US stock performance

Ask a Planner

Investing U.S. stocks in a TFSA

Avoiding U.S. stocks in your TFSA may lead you to pay more tax

Investing U.S. stocks in a TFSA


How retirees can use TFSAs to save on tax

Find the cash to fund this year’s TFSA contribution—it's worth it

How retirees can use TFSAs to save on tax
personal finance


Why every personal finance rule you know is wrong

Low bond yields, weaker stock returns and longer lives have sabotaged the rules of money. Here are the new...

Why every personal finance rule you know is wrong


New rules of investing

A 60-40 portfolio makes less sense these days

New rules of investing


TFSA limit

Ask a Planner

Can I reset my TFSA?

John has lost money in his TFSA and he wants to figure out the best way to make lemonade...

Can I reset my TFSA?
