

u.s. etf


U.S. ETF All-Stars 2017

Our picks of the best, low-cost U.S.-focused ETFs for your portfolio

U.S. ETF All-Stars 2017


Cash strapped Canadians put less into TFSAs in 2016

36% said they required the cash for other expenses

Cash strapped Canadians put less into TFSAs in 2016


What is a TFSA? Only 1 in 5 knows the answer

Think of it as investment account rather than a place to park your money

What is a TFSA? Only 1 in 5 knows the answer

Financial Planning

What’s your best TFSA strategy?

We want to hear your TFSA success story

What’s your best TFSA strategy?



Financial Planning

Parking just cash in a TFSA may hurt investors

65% of those who use TFSAs exclusively hold cash

Parking just cash in a TFSA may hurt investors
tfsa contribution room

Ask a Planner

When not to contribute to a TFSA

Richard is looking for some advice on an $80K inheritance. A TFSA isn't the holy grail of investing

When not to contribute to a TFSA

Ask a Planner

Paying off debt with investment income

Shawn can pay off his mortgage with his stock investments. The question is: Should he?

Paying off debt with investment income
capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Penalty for holding dividend stocks in a TFSA?

There are tax issues involved if you earn dividends inside your Tax-Free Savings Account

Penalty for holding dividend stocks in a TFSA?



Why your TFSA needs a successor holder

Designate one to save your spouse from complications

Why your TFSA needs a successor holder
