

A couple sit together on a bench, discussing how to withdraw from savings with tax efficiency.

Ask MoneySense

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians

Tax-efficient retirement strategy options for Canadians
A person stands at the summit of a mountain, looking down at the clouds


Does TINA still apply for the stock market? Are GICs and bonds a new option for Canadian investors?

Here’s why it’s still true that there’s no alternative (TINA) to investing in the stock market if you want...

Does TINA still apply for the stock market? Are GICs and bonds a new option for Canadian investors?
A bird flying in the sunset to symbolize the 60/40 balance portfolio as a pheonix rising again.

Retired Money

The 60/40 portfolio: A phoenix or a dud for retirees?

Retired or near retirement and rethinking the classic balanced asset allocation? Here’s the debate—that’s not really a debate—on the...

The 60/40 portfolio: A phoenix or a dud for retirees?
A middle-aged man drinks coffee in a cafe

Ask MoneySense

“Why do I need a financial plan?”

“Why do I need a financial plan?”



A fortune teller symbolizes the revenue releases for Oracle company.


Making sense of the markets this week: September 18

Interest rates and the markets, Oracle’s earnings report, a look at wealth and happiness, and what’s a “tontine”? ...

Making sense of the markets this week: September 18
Graphic reads: The Money Show Toronto, September 16-17, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, featuring Lisa Hannam (MoneySense), Trevor Cummings (TD Asset), Brian Hamran (Horizons), Alfred Lee (BMO), David Wysocki (Harvest)


What to expect from your ETFs this year

Canada’s leading investor conference returns to Toronto—get expert advice to navigate market volatility with confidence. Book your free seat!

What to expect from your ETFs this year
The Toronto skyline of bank buildings


Making sense of the markets this week: July 10

The worst start for markets since 1962, rate-hike fears, the pending real estate collapse and bank brokerages hide high-interest...

Making sense of the markets this week: July 10
older couple dancing in their living room

Financial Planning

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement

Our columnist reviews The Boomers Retire, a new book that fills the growing knowledge gap about retirement income among...

Fresh takes on the challenges facing baby boomers as they approach retirement


man sitting on couch reading paperwork


Is the Longevity Pension Fund a cure for retirement income worries?

A newly-announced Purpose Investments product targets the army of Canadians facing retirement without a defined benefit pension.

Is the Longevity Pension Fund a cure for retirement income worries?
