

Ask a Planner

How RRIF withdrawals work when you have multiple registered accounts

Canadians must begin taking RRIF withdrawals the year after converting an RRSP. What happens if you convert only part...

How RRIF withdrawals work when you have multiple registered accounts
A Canadian retired couple walking together on a street, thinking about decumulation.

Retired Money

What is Sun Life’s new decumulation product?

While not guaranteed like an annuity, MyRetirementIncome is a flexible and simple financial product for those needing to convert...

What is Sun Life’s new decumulation product?


Canadian Financial Summit 2024: MoneySense sessions and free tickets

Canadian Financial Summit 2024: MoneySense sessions and free tickets

Ask MoneySense

How to consolidate your registered accounts for retirement income in Canada

Do Canadians need to consolidate RRSP accounts before converting to RRIFs? Find out this and more.

How to consolidate your registered accounts for retirement income in Canada



Two shiny red apples and a green apple are shown to symbolize the comparison of GICs and annuities for retirement

Ask a Planner

Annuity vs. GIC: What makes sense for retiring?

Can you compare apples to apples with annuities and guaranteed investment certificates for retiring? Let’s find out.

Annuity vs. GIC: What makes sense for retiring?
A male carpenter approaching retirement

Ask a Planner

Can you help your kids financially without compromising your retirement?

A Certified Financial Planner explains what to think about before helping your kids with a gift or loan.

Can you help your kids financially without compromising your retirement?


Single, no pension? Here’s how to plan for retirement in Canada

There are financial and logistical challenges to being single in retirement. Here are some tips to tackle them, especially...

Single, no pension? Here’s how to plan for retirement in Canada
A couple nearing retirement embrace on the beach
How annuities work in Canada


Celebrating 72nd birthday and converting an RRSP into a RRIF

Retired Money

How to cope with the RRSP-to-RRIF deadline in your early 70s

You don’t want to miss the conversion deadline at the end of the year you turn 71—you’ll be on...

How to cope with the RRSP-to-RRIF deadline in your early 70s
