

February/March 2014

Rest in peace, “big CPP”

The government already does plenty to encourage retirement saving.

Rest in peace, “big CPP”


How the three principal Canada Pension Plan enrichment proposals would work

The plans differ slightly in their approach, but their basic aim is to increase benefits for future generations of...

How the three principal Canada Pension Plan enrichment proposals would work


More older Canadians living in poverty

Canada is among only three OECD countries where poverty among seniors is on the rise.

More older Canadians living in poverty

Financial Planning

No financial planner? No problem

The reality is that some people will never have a written financial plan. Here are some things for DIYers...

No financial planner? No problem




New CPP proposal aims to fund middle class retirements

PEI Finance Minister Wes Sheridan wants CPP replacement rates tweaked to better target middle-class Canadians facing retirement shortfalls.

New CPP proposal aims to fund middle class retirements


Defined-benefit plans are great: We already knew that

However attractive defined-benefit pension plans are for employees, many employers just don't want to bear the burden any longer.

Defined-benefit plans are great: We already knew that

Magazine Archive

Is your pension safe?

Chances are the benefits you’ve already earned are safe.

Is your pension safe?


When to withdraw your CPP for maximum payout

The difference between taking CPP at age 60 vs. age 70 could be 78%.

When to withdraw your CPP for maximum payout



What’s your magic number?

Our exclusive calculations reveal how much you’ll need to retire—and show you how to get there.

What’s your magic number?
