Capital loss tax deductions from beyond the grave
Yvonne's recently-passed husband had capital losses. Did she maximize the claim on his final tax return?
Yvonne's recently-passed husband had capital losses. Did she maximize the claim on his final tax return?
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Revenue Canada states that …that before you can claim capital loss in last year of death against other sources must substract the loss against any capital gains deductions the deceased has claimed to date.
From the net capital loss you have left, subtract any capital gains deductions the deceased has claimed to date. Use any loss left to reduce other income for the year of death, the year before the year of death, or for both years.
Net capital losses in the year of death
To apply a net capital loss that was incurred in the year of death, you can use either Method A or Method B.
Method A – You can carry back a 2019 net capital loss to reduce any taxable capital gains in any of the 3 tax years before the year of death. If you are applying it against taxable capital gains realized in 2016, 2017, or 2018, you do not need to make any adjustment because the inclusion rate is the same in all 3 years. The loss you carry back cannot be more than the taxable capital gains in those years. To ask for a loss carryback, complete “Section III – Net capital loss for carryback” on Form T1A, Request for Loss Carryback, and send it to your tax centre. Do not file an amended return for the year to which you want to apply the loss.
After you carry back the loss, there may be an amount left. You may be able to use some of the remaining amount to reduce other income on the final return, the return for the year before the year of death, or both returns. However, before you do this, you have to calculate the amount you can use.
From the net capital loss you have left, subtract any capital gains deductions the deceased has claimed to date. Use any loss left to reduce other income for the year of death, the year before the year of death, or for both years.
If you claim any remaining net capital loss in the year of death, you should claim it as a negative amount in brackets at line 12700