

A grandmother, mother and young girl bake cookies together


Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit: What is it and do you qualify?

New for the 2023 tax year, you might be able to claim the Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit for...

Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit: What is it and do you qualify?
A smiling young woman works on a sewing machine


Side hustles and self-employment in Canada: Taxes, business expenses and more

If you recently started a side hustle or became a freelancer, you likely have questions about taxes, business expenses...

Side hustles and self-employment in Canada: Taxes, business expenses and more
Two woman discuss the tax implications of a company acquisition over coffee

Ask a Planner

A company I hold stock in was acquired or merged—do capital gains apply?

Shareholders cannot always prevent a company sale or merger from going ahead. When that happens, do you still owe...

A company I hold stock in was acquired or merged—do capital gains apply?
A niece takes care of her uncle as power of attorney, is not his estate trustee.

Ask MoneySense

When does the role of power of attorney end—and estate trustee begin?

There are various roles for estate planning, including the POA and the estate trustee. Find out the difference between...

When does the role of power of attorney end—and estate trustee begin?



Son moves into rental condo that he owns with his parents. They wonder if they owe capital gains.

Ask a Planner

When your child moves into your rental property: Capital gains and how to claim principal residence exemption

When an adult child moves into their parents’ rental property, the family should be clear on a few things,...

When your child moves into your rental property: Capital gains and how to claim principal residence exemption

Making It

Listen up Gen Z: How to invest as a young person

As a young investor, should you manage your own stocks, use a robo-advisor or hire a professional? Find out...

Listen up Gen Z: How to invest as a young person

Ask a Planner

How to claim a child’s income below the basic personal amount

Even if a child’s earnings are exempt from income tax, they may be entitled to tax credits or deductions....

How to claim a child’s income below the basic personal amount
A woman does the splits outside

Ask a Planner

4 strategies for income splitting with a lower-income spouse

If one spouse does not work, is it beneficial for the other to invest and buy stocks in their...

4 strategies for income splitting with a lower-income spouse


A Canadian family in the kitchen talking about wills and estate planning.

Estate Planning

How important are wills and estate planning for Canadians?

Learn from an estate administrator exactly what Canadian families should do right now to avoid headaches later.

How important are wills and estate planning for Canadians?
