

A woman meets with her accountant and high fives as she files her 2022 income tax return for Canada, showing that she accurately filed on deadline, with tax claims that suited her.


2022 Income Tax Guide for Canadians: Deadlines, tax tips and more

2022 Income Tax Guide for Canadians: Deadlines, tax tips and more
one hand passing $10US to another

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Tax planning for Canadians who invest in the U.S.

Tax planning for Canadians who invest in the U.S.
How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

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How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

How much to take out of your RRSP in your 60s

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How spouses with joint accounts should claim capital losses

How spouses with joint accounts should claim capital losses



A woman writes on a box as she prepares to move into a co-owned property

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Can you save tax by moving into your rental property?

Can you save tax by moving into your rental property?
A young woman organizes papers on her desk


How the self-employed can get organized

Get those receipts and documents in order—disorganization can affect your productivity and profit.

How the self-employed can get organized
A man speaks on this cellphone in a park

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Should this DIY investor go all in on this international ETF?

You can exclusively hold international ETFs in any Canadian account, without paying a penalty. But there are taxes and...

Should this DIY investor go all in on this international ETF?
A two-prong arrow graphic to symbolize retirees choice for withdrawing from registered and unregistered accounts

Ask MoneySense

Registered vs non-registered accounts: Where retirees should make withdrawals

When you have the choice for withdrawals, it makes sense to look at the pros and cons of taking...

Registered vs non-registered accounts: Where retirees should make withdrawals


Three employees at their production jobs talking about cashing out their employee pensions.

Retired Money

Should you cash out your workplace pension when you leave a job?

Find out why Canada has it better than the U.S. for registered employer pensions. A UBC study on cashing...

Should you cash out your workplace pension when you leave a job?
