

A senior-age man lies on a sofa and looks at his smartphone

Ask a Planner

Converting a segregated fund to a RRIF

If you hold a segregated fund and want to convert it to a registered retirement income fund, this is...

Converting a segregated fund to a RRIF
A man sits in a dentist chair, happy with the results of his latest check up, as holds a mirror inspecting his teeth.

Ask a Planner

When can you claim medical expenses on your tax return

After you pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses, what should you do with the receipts? Find out if you can...

When can you claim medical expenses on your tax return
two sisters raising a glass of red wine as they play Monopoly and eat pizza in their kitchen.


Capital gains when selling property to family

If you sell a property to a relative for a bargain price, does that mean you pay less tax...

Capital gains when selling property to family

Ask a Planner

Understanding the 1994 capital gains tax election

There is a $100,000 capital gains exemption that applied until 1994. Find out if it can be used to...

Understanding the 1994 capital gains tax election



Ask a Planner

Capital gains on subdivided land, and HST on vacant land

For property that you can subdivide, you can sell some of the land and build a house on the...

Capital gains on subdivided land, and HST on vacant land
A woman alone on the porch of her cottage, looking up as she's deep in thought.


Principal residence exemption on death and capital gains with joint tenancy

There are rules around capital gains on the sale of joint property in Canada. But how does death affect...

Principal residence exemption on death and capital gains with joint tenancy
A woman is adding up receipts in her living room, as she prepares her information for her tax return


Are fees for your TFSA tax deductible?

From HST to advisory fees, are the charges for a TFSA tax deductible? What is the savviest way to...

Are fees for your TFSA tax deductible?
a family is being shown around a rental property that is for sale.


Cutting down capital gains tax on real estate sales

Defer RRSP contributions to mitigate taxes

Cutting down capital gains tax on real estate sales


A man moving out from the family home, carrying a box of toys outside of the house,as his ex-wife walks behind him with another box.

Ask a Planner

Do you pay capital gains tax when separating or divorcing?

Concerned about the potential capital gains tax implications of a principal residence after a relationship breakdown?

Do you pay capital gains tax when separating or divorcing?
