

woman sitting at desk

Ask a Planner

Incorporated business owners: Should you pay yourself a salary?

If you own an incorporated business, you can pay yourself a salary—but sometimes it’s the wrong choice.

Incorporated business owners: Should you pay yourself a salary?
mother and children reading tablet in bed

Financial Planning

Federal Election 2021: Understanding the parties’ proposals on childcare—what could they mean for your finances?

Each of the three major political parties has promised financial relief for parents with kids in daycare. Financial planners...

Federal Election 2021: Understanding the parties’ proposals on childcare—what could they mean for your finances?
Older man and younger man working on home repairs

Ask a Planner

Can you claim a principal residence exemption on real estate occupied by a child?

Jim has lived in his home, rented part of it to a tenant, and currently has his son living...

Can you claim a principal residence exemption on real estate occupied by a child?
senior woman using laptop computer at table

Ask MoneySense

Are single seniors unfairly penalized at tax time?

Karen wonders if her latest tax bill is too high, and whether there's a way to avoid the social...

Are single seniors unfairly penalized at tax time?



couple looking at laptop screen


Wealthsimple Tax review 2021

We break down what to expect from this "pay what you wish" income tax return preparation platform, offered by...

Wealthsimple Tax review 2021
man and woman looking at each other in their home

Ask a Planner

Understanding income attribution and how to deal with it at tax time

Paul and his wife have a non-registered investment account and want to make sure they are reporting the income...

Understanding income attribution and how to deal with it at tax time
Tax spelled out with wooden blocks

Life Insurance

Is life insurance taxable in Canada?

We list what to do to make sure you're not leaving your loved ones in a tax bind. Find...

Is life insurance taxable in Canada?
man's hands folded over laptop computer

Ask a Planner

Should you always split your pension income?

Narayan wants to know the best ways to save income tax, given the disparity between his income and his...

Should you always split your pension income?


tiny house exterior at sunset

Ask a Planner

Tax implications of building a laneway suite

Any time a homeowner becomes a landlord, there may be GST/HST and income tax owing—and the amounts can be...

Tax implications of building a laneway suite
