

Ask MoneySense

Is a personal injury settlement taxable, and can it impact OAS or GIS benefits?

After receiving a personal injury settlement, J is looking for advice on how it might be taxed, and whether...

Is a personal injury settlement taxable, and can it impact OAS or GIS benefits?

Real Estate

4 ways to pass along the family cottage

Minimizing tax is only one factor to consider when passing on the family cottage.

4 ways to pass along the family cottage

Ask MoneySense

Little-known tax deductions landlords should consider

From travel costs to collect rent, to picking up the tab for a service provider’s lunch, to the cost...

Little-known tax deductions landlords should consider


What you need to know about this year’s tax-filing extension

Recognizing the financial upheaval caused by COVID-19, the Canada Revenue Agency has given most of us extra month to...

What you need to know about this year’s tax-filing extension



Ask a Planner

“Records of my stock purchase have disappeared. What now?”

Tonya bought shares of a small company, which she sold at a loss. She’d like to use that loss...

“Records of my stock purchase have disappeared. What now?”


The right way to report shared investment income on a tax return

Does changing the ratio of your contributions put you at risk for a CRA audit? And what’s the best...

The right way to report shared investment income on a tax return
a woman looking over pages

Ask a Planner

What you need to know about filing your 2019 tax return

Here is a quick primer on claims to take advantage of, the filing deadlines for employees and self-employed taxpayers,...

What you need to know about filing your 2019 tax return


What to do if you haven’t filed an income tax return

The longer you wait to come clean, the harder the CRA will hit you with penalties and interest payments....

What to do if you haven’t filed an income tax return


Ask a Planner

How does income from a rental property create RRSP contribution room?

And, perhaps more importantly, should Jerry, who’s retired, claim RRSP deductions or the capital cost allowance, to reduce his...

How does income from a rental property create RRSP contribution room?
