

Ask MoneySense

Should you add your grandkids as joint tenants on stocks?

Avoiding probate is one advantage.

Should you add your grandkids as joint tenants on stocks?

Ask a Planner

Gifting real estate to your adult children

Consider the impact of potential capital gains tax, what might happen to the property if your child gets divorced...

Gifting real estate to your adult children

Ask a Planner

“Should I loan investments or money to my spouse?”

The idea is to split income, following Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, so the family pays less tax overall.

“Should I loan investments or money to my spouse?”

Ask MoneySense

Do teenagers need to file a tax return if they work part-time?

Like many milestones, this one can be used as a “teachable moment” for kids and parents.

Do teenagers need to file a tax return if they work part-time?



Ask MoneySense

How having a child together affects your tax situation

Elise recently had a baby and moved in with her partner. Looking ahead to tax time, she wonders how...

How having a child together affects your tax situation

Ask a Planner

Moving to the U.S.? Here’s what to do with your Canadian investments

Set to start a new job south of the border, Justin will need to consider that registered and non-registered...

Moving to the U.S.? Here’s what to do with your Canadian investments


8 year-long tax strategies to build wealth faster

Take a few simple (and fully legal!) steps to reduce your tax bill, and you’ll have more cash in...

8 year-long tax strategies to build wealth faster

Ask MoneySense

What’s your investing “why?”

Instead of focusing on target returns, start with what you want the money to do for you and your...

What’s your investing “why?”



Can Canadian seniors collect government benefits while still working?

Rose is transitioning to semi-retirement at 65, and wonders about the tax and clawback implications of receiving CPP and...

Can Canadian seniors collect government benefits while still working?
