

Ask a Planner

Why it’s still worth it for high-income seniors to apply for OAS

Eileen is worried about the adverse impact on her taxes if she applies for OAS, and wonders if she...

Why it’s still worth it for high-income seniors to apply for OAS

Ask a Planner

What’s the best time to transfer a TFSA between institutions?

Sandie wants to get the timing of her TFSA transfer right

What’s the best time to transfer a TFSA between institutions?


The downside of naming children as RRIF beneficiaries

Kerry is doing some estate planning with his RRIF and wants to make sure it goes to his wife...

The downside of naming children as RRIF beneficiaries

Ask MoneySense

Family caregivers are missing out on help from the taxman

Here's a complete checklist of all the available tax credits and deductions available to caregivers

Family caregivers are missing out on help from the taxman




RRIFs and income splitting in the year of death

Gloria’s husband died recently. She’s looking for clarification on what happens with his RRIF and if and how she...

RRIFs and income splitting in the year of death

Ask MoneySense

How Raj and Marie can net $80,000 annually—for life—from their nest egg

Raj plans to stop working at age 60 while his wife, Marie, 55, will work five more years

How Raj and Marie can net $80,000 annually—for life—from their nest egg
canadian loonie


Selling your home to your kids—for $1

You need to consider if the savings for your child are worth the risk to you

Selling your home to your kids—for $1

Ask a Planner

Bleeding your RRSP dry to save on tax when you’re dead

Chris is retiring and living on CPP, OAS and her RRSP. She wonders if she should take more than...

Bleeding your RRSP dry to save on tax when you’re dead


young person piggy bank

Ask MoneySense

How should a 24-year-old invest a $500,000 inheritance?

Is investing it all in the stock market a good idea? Or should Eric consider a rental property?

How should a 24-year-old invest a $500,000 inheritance?
