

Ask MoneySense

What to do with a $2.4 million retirement portfolio

Paul also has $130K a year in pension income for life

What to do with a $2.4 million retirement portfolio

Ask MoneySense

How does a missed HBP payment affect your bottom line?

If you miss one multiple times, it can get costly

How does a missed HBP payment affect your bottom line?


A one-of-a-kind strategy for a $70,000 TFSA

This investor's end goal is to reach $100,000. Is he on the right track?

A one-of-a-kind strategy for a $70,000 TFSA

Ask MoneySense

Best way to invest RRIF money so it lasts

Step 1: Separate lifetime sources of income from investing sources of income

Best way to invest RRIF money so it lasts



Ask a Planner

Are RRSP contributions worth it at age 70?

Shirley wants to offset capital gains. Is it worth it?

Are RRSP contributions worth it at age 70?

Ask MoneySense

How to minimize tax on the sale of a condo

The basics on how to lower your tax bill

How to minimize tax on the sale of a condo


Canada’s Best Places to Live for Low Taxes: Top 100 Cities

If you're determined to keep your hard-earned money, move here

Canada’s Best Places to Live for Low Taxes: Top 100 Cities
spousal rrsp or tfsa?

Ask MoneySense

Spousal RRSP or TFSA: The best option for a retired couple

If you want to prolong your retirement money, try the RRSP. But for estate planning, a TFSA may be...

Spousal RRSP or TFSA: The best option for a retired couple


Ask MoneySense

Can a U.S. citizen roll IRA money into a Canadian charity tax-free?

This reader wants to support a university

Can a U.S. citizen roll IRA money into a Canadian charity tax-free?
