

taxes joint accounts

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Avoid tax traps when opening a joint investment account

Beware of spousal attribution.

Avoid tax traps when opening a joint investment account

Ask MoneySense

Catching up on capital cost allowance

Mabel has never claimed the capital cost allowance on her rental property and wants to learn more about claiming...

Catching up on capital cost allowance

Ask a Planner

Work abroad? Your income is fair game for the CRA

To avoid this, you need to break ties with Canada

Work abroad? Your income is fair game for the CRA

Ask MoneySense

Are TFSAs the best place to hold Vanguard’s new all-in-one ETFs?

New one-stop shop ETFs

Are TFSAs the best place to hold Vanguard’s new all-in-one ETFs?




You can now pay income tax with a credit card

But should you? We crunch the numbers to see if it makes financial sense.

You can now pay income tax with a credit card

Ask MoneySense

The trouble with moving stocks to a TFSA

Private placements can pay off, but you're going to have to take a hit on capital gains

The trouble with moving stocks to a TFSA

Ask a Planner

Why incorporation isn’t always a magical tax fix

Sandie’s wife has a small business she plans to run for the next few years. Is she better off...

Why incorporation isn’t always a magical tax fix

Ask MoneySense

These three people co-own a house. Who pays tax on rental income?

In real estate investing, your taxes depend on whether you're a partner or co-owner

These three people co-own a house. Who pays tax on rental income?


Ask MoneySense

Capital gains tax rules on a house owned with siblings

Preet owns a house with his brother. His situation is complicated, to say the least

Capital gains tax rules on a house owned with siblings
