

Photo of different amounts of money to symbolize tax brackets in Canada, both federally and in the provinces and territories.


Canada’s income tax brackets for 2024, plus the maximum tax you’ll pay based on income

Want an idea of how much tax you paid—or will be paying—for 2024? Here are the federal and provincial...

Canada’s income tax brackets for 2024, plus the maximum tax you’ll pay based on income

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What to know as Canada’s capital gains tax changes remain in legal limbo

The federal government’s capital gains inclusion rate increase has yet to become law. There’s a slight chance it may...

What to know as Canada’s capital gains tax changes remain in legal limbo

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How to report foreign income in Canada

Canadians have reporting requirements for foreign assets, income and tax paid. Here’s how to claim each of these on...

How to report foreign income in Canada
A father and son talking about crypto investing


How to talk to your family about crypto 

Are your parents anxious about your interest in crypto investing? Here’s how to have family conversations about this and...

How to talk to your family about crypto 



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How to plan for taxes in retirement in Canada

In retirement, some income is not subject to withholding tax, and you may potentially owe tax after filing each...

How to plan for taxes in retirement in Canada
A food delivery worker rides a bike in downtown Vancouver, B.C


How income from digital platforms is taxed in Canada

Driving for Uber or writing on Fiverr? Here’s what you need to know about filing your taxes.

How income from digital platforms is taxed in Canada
A group of friends sit around a table, planning for the year ahead

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Year-end tax and financial planning considerations

Some strategies are time-sensitive, while others can help you start the new year on the right foot.

Year-end tax and financial planning considerations
A Canadian self-employed graphic designer is wondering about their quarterly income tax payments.


Do you have to make quarterly tax remittances in Canada?

Here’s a guide to making the right tax installment payments, including answers to common questions about the process.

Do you have to make quarterly tax remittances in Canada?


A group of Canadians paying different taxes


How high tax rates hurt the economy

What is tax fairness? How can high tax rates hurt the economy? Let’s explore what a flat tax could...

How high tax rates hurt the economy
