

Canadian couple in the kitchen of their cottage as they contemplate selling and if they an avoid taxes.


Can I sell my cottage tax-free?

Is there a tax exemption for capital gains? No, but find out how to allocate your principal residence exemption...

Can I sell my cottage tax-free?
Canadian mom and child at the cottage she inherited from her father and shares with her siblings and step mom.


Inheriting cottage and the capital gains implications

Jill's late husband left her a cottage. What happens if she transfers ownership to her stepchildren?

Inheriting cottage and the capital gains implications
Leaving a cottage to family and capital gains


Reducing capital gains on a cottage

With planning and the right documents, the capital gains tax owing on a family cottage can be lowered. Here...

Reducing capital gains on a cottage

Ask a Planner

Capital gains tax when renting out your former principal residence

There may be tax implications to renting out your home after moving out of it. There are also some...

Capital gains tax when renting out your former principal residence



A man of retirement age

Life Insurance

Using whole life insurance for tax-free income in retirement

Borrowing against a policy’s cash value can provide tax-free income. But there are still costs involved and other factors...

Using whole life insurance for tax-free income in retirement
children and caregiver at daycare centre

Jacks on Tax

How the $10-a-day child care program can affect your taxes

The new subsidized child-care spaces are indeed a bargain, but they come with reduced tax benefits. Here’s how to...

How the $10-a-day child care program can affect your taxes
Two brothers fishing at their Canadian cottage.


Selling a cottage to a family member: What that means for capital gains

If the property was bought before 1994, there may already have a $100,000 capital gains deduction.

Selling a cottage to a family member: What that means for capital gains
Canadian family saying goodbye to the cottage they're selling.


Tax deductible expenses when selling a cottage in Canada

Minimize capital gains taxes on the sale of a cottage in Canada by making smart reno choices.

Tax deductible expenses when selling a cottage in Canada


A male carpenter approaching retirement

Ask a Planner

Can you help your kids financially without compromising your retirement?

A Certified Financial Planner explains what to think about before helping your kids with a gift or loan.

Can you help your kids financially without compromising your retirement?
