
Ask a Planner

10 podcasts to amp up your investing and financial confidence

These Canadian resources make it easy to bone up on a wide range of money concerns.

10 podcasts to amp up your investing and financial confidence

Retired Money

Should you delay your retirement because of COVID-19?

Some are suggesting Baby Boomers set back their retirement by up to five years to give their investments time...

Should you delay your retirement because of COVID-19?


Why COVID-19 shutdowns may be bad for your car

Pausing your daily commute is likely saving you money on fuel, but not driving at all for weeks on...

Why COVID-19 shutdowns may be bad for your car


“How can I lower my auto insurance bill during COVID-19 lockdown?”

If you aren't using your vehicle to commute for the time being, you can temporarily adjust your coverage to...

“How can I lower my auto insurance bill during COVID-19 lockdown?”


What you need to know about this year’s tax-filing extension

Recognizing the financial upheaval caused by COVID-19, the Canada Revenue Agency has given most of us extra month to...

What you need to know about this year’s tax-filing extension


How the coronavirus pandemic could change the way we think about retirement in Canada

Will we still be able to choose from the kinds of retirement options we’ve come accustomed to? Additional planning...

How the coronavirus pandemic could change the way we think about retirement in Canada


Should investors worry about suspended guidance?

Because of the uncertainty around the COVID-19 crisis, many companies are refusing to say what kind of earnings or...

Should investors worry about suspended guidance?


Oaken Financial review 2020 

For Canadians who are comfortable doing most of their banking online, and are looking for a range of flexible...

Oaken Financial review 2020 

Ask a Planner

“Records of my stock purchase have disappeared. What now?”

Tonya bought shares of a small company, which she sold at a loss. She’d like to use that loss...

“Records of my stock purchase have disappeared. What now?”