
A mom holds her two young kids on a sofa

Life Insurance

Divorce and life insurance: How to make sure your family stays protected

If you’re going through a divorce, you have many financial decisions to make, including how to update your life...

Divorce and life insurance: How to make sure your family stays protected
Family wearing red coats, for Valentine’s Day, give the gift of a will and an estate plan

Estate Planning

Three reasons to have a will and estate plan

Creating a will and estate plan may not be the most romantic gesture, but it’s an essential demonstration of...

Three reasons to have a will and estate plan
A retired couple speak with an accountant about the tax implications of their inherited property

Ask a Planner

How to calculate the adjusted cost base of inherited property

What happens if you inherit a property and have no record of its value at that time? How can...

How to calculate the adjusted cost base of inherited property
Woman playing a game of Monopoly, wondering how their credit score could affect hers.


Couples and credit scores: How your partner’s credit can affect yours

Couples and credit scores: How your partner’s credit can affect yours
A retired couple cheers to having found a way to fund their retirement

Ask a Planner

Should retirees consider a home equity sharing agreement (HESA)?

Home owners have a new way to tap their home equity. How does the HESA compare to a reverse...

Should retirees consider a home equity sharing agreement (HESA)?


25 timeless personal finance tips from MoneySense

For 25 years, MoneySense has helped Canadians make better financial decisions. Here’s a sampling of our work: a roundup...

25 timeless personal finance tips from MoneySense
A father and his son watch as their future condo is built.

Real Estate

Buying pre-construction: What if your home is worth less than you paid?

Due to rising mortgage rates and falling home prices, some pre-construction home buyers are facing financing issues. Let’s look...

Buying pre-construction: What if your home is worth less than you paid?
A man and woman on a beach hold cushions saying Mr. Right and Mrs. Always Right

Financial Planning

Married with money: How to combine finances with your partner

Married with money: How to combine finances with your partner
A retired couple look at a map while traveling across Europe

Ask a Planner

Should Canadians keep their investment accounts when retiring abroad?

For Canadians who plan to retire to other countries, here’s a primer on the tax implications of leaving accounts...

Should Canadians keep their investment accounts when retiring abroad?