
A woman readers about Fidelity ETFs on her laptop at a cafe


What investments can I put in my TFSA?

What investments can I put in my TFSA?
Father and daughter doing homework together, and he's wondering how much debt is normal for his age


How much debt is normal in Canada? We break it down by age

Do Canadians really owe $1.84 for every $1 they earn? For some, yes. And for others, even more. Where...

How much debt is normal in Canada? We break it down by age
A couple discussing their plan for retirement and pension withdrawals

Ask MoneySense

Making a plan: How to withdraw money from a retirement account

Canadians have quite a few options for retirement savings. But before you look at when to retire and start...

Making a plan: How to withdraw money from a retirement account
Young couple taking a selfie with house keys


How first-time home buyers can use an FHSA to save for a down payment

How first-time home buyers can use an FHSA to save for a down payment
Writer and editor Bryan Borzykowski and certified financial planner Julie Shipley-Strickland

My MoneySense

The best money advice from two of the best in the biz

Planner Julie Shipley-Strickland and editor and writer Bryan Borzykowski get personal about money—the good and the bad.

The best money advice from two of the best in the biz
students at university with resp studying on quad

Ask MoneySense

My three kids chose different educational paths. How do I withdraw RESP funds in a way that’s fair to them and avoids unnecessary taxes?

My three kids chose different educational paths. How do I withdraw RESP funds in a way that’s fair to them and avoids unnecessary taxes?
A young woman checks her child's RESP balance on her phone

Ask a Planner

What to do when you have insufficient or unused RESP funds

What to do when you have insufficient or unused RESP funds
Young man in an office holding a laptop


Should you pay off student debt before investing?

Should you pay off student debt before investing?
a young woman drinks coffee in a small apartment with dog

Making It

Struggling with student debt? Here’s how to pay off student loans faster

Struggling with student debt? Here’s how to pay off student loans faster