
A woman in her 50s/60s talking to her husband about how to manage his DC plan

Ask a Planner

DC plans once you retire: What do you do with them?

When coming up to retirement, should your investments move with you. Find out the options for soon-to-be retirees. ...

DC plans once you retire: What do you do with them?
Two men looking at the stock market performance


Making sense of the markets this week: June 25, 2023

Is it a bear trap, or a new bull market? Stocks often don’t make much from these valuations, and...

Making sense of the markets this week: June 25, 2023
Two women in their 70s, happy with their decision about annuities.

Retired Money

Should retirees in their early 70s partly annuitize?

Interest rates have soared in the past year—but annuity payouts, not so much. Find out what makes sense when...

Should retirees in their early 70s partly annuitize?
A Canadian family in the kitchen talking about wills and estate planning.

Estate Planning

How important are wills and estate planning for Canadians?

Learn from an estate administrator exactly what Canadian families should do right now to avoid headaches later.

How important are wills and estate planning for Canadians?
two women smiling as they discuss

A Rich Life

What is the PERMA model? Can it help Canadians to spend better?

Frustrated with saving and the idea that you’re not able to treat yourself? It might be time to look...

What is the PERMA model? Can it help Canadians to spend better?
An oil pump as we discuss oil barrel prices


Making sense of the markets this week: June 18, 2023

This week, U.S. inflation cools, cruise lines and big tech stocks shine, and oil investors may be in trouble.

Making sense of the markets this week: June 18, 2023
Two men in hard hats and safety vests stand in front of a solar panel array


Should Canadian investors buy utilities stocks?

Should Canadian investors buy utilities stocks?
A woman meets with her accountant and high fives as she files her 2022 income tax return for Canada, showing that she accurately filed on deadline, with tax claims that suited her.


2022 Income Tax Guide for Canadians: Deadlines, tax tips and more

2022 Income Tax Guide for Canadians: Deadlines, tax tips and more
A couple in their 70s embrace

Ask a Planner

What do to with a spousal RRSP at age 71

Converting the account to a spousal RRIF is a common option, but be aware of the income attribution rules.

What do to with a spousal RRSP at age 71