

What is diversification?

Canadian investors looking to reduce risk could consider diversifying their portfolios. Learn more about diversification.

What is diversification?
A mom sits at a computer with her toddler, looking at her investing accounts for her family as a result of emotional investing.

A Rich Life

Emotional investing: How to make better decisions with your money

The advice “take the emotions out of investing” is impossible to follow. Read about why and what you can...

Emotional investing: How to make better decisions with your money


What is compound interest?

When you invest money or take out a loan, compound interest could have a powerful snowball effect. Learn how...

What is compound interest?


What is a bank draft?

Bank drafts are used to pay for large purchases like real estate or vehicles. Learn how bank drafts work...

What is a bank draft?


What are assets?

Learn what qualifies as an asset in Canada, as well as how assets are classified in the investment world.

What are assets?


What is an annuity?

Looking for fixed-income investments? An annuity may be a suitable option—and not just for retirees. Learn more in the...

What is an annuity?

Ask a Planner

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?

Spousal and child support payments are taxed differently. And lump-sum payments may come with their own tax implications.

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?
A middle-aged man pours drinks for guests at home


What are call options? Why should retirees care about them?

What are call options? Why should retirees care about them?
A woman lies on a sofa and smiles at GIC returns shown on her phone


How GIC returns are taxed in Canada

GIC interest rates are incredibly high—should you invest? Find out how GICs work and how GIC interest is taxed...

How GIC returns are taxed in Canada