

How to talk to your partner about money

By taking the time to understand each other, you and your partner can build a financial plan and overcome...

How to talk to your partner about money
A man and woman on a beach hold cushions saying Mr. Right and Mrs. Always Right

Financial Planning

Married with money: How to combine finances with your partner

Married with money: How to combine finances with your partner

Financial literacy

6 strategies for teaching kids about money

6 strategies for teaching kids about money


What is a tontine?

It’s controversial. It’s making a comeback. Find out what tontines are, how they work and what all the fuss...

What is a tontine?
A woman lies in the grass with her eyes closed, smiling

Making It

Working towards your dream lifestyle? Here’s how financial goals can help

Affording the things you want as a young adult is achievable when you follow these strategies when setting your...

Working towards your dream lifestyle? Here’s how financial goals can help


What is a trigger rate?

Only a portion of variable-rate mortgages have a trigger rate. Find out what a trigger rate is and how...

What is a trigger rate?
A woman hugs her daughter after reading about her RESP options online

Ask a Planner

Can an estate contribute to an RESP account?

Here’s what you need to know before deciding to leave money in trust for an RESP account after your...

Can an estate contribute to an RESP account?


What is the Guaranteed Income Supplement?

Who qualifies for the Guaranteed Income Supplement in Canada? When do GIS payments start? Find out these answers and...

What is the Guaranteed Income Supplement?
MoneySense - Why open a high-interest savings account?


Video: Why open a high-interest savings account?

Video: Why open a high-interest savings account?