
Credit Cards


Protect yourself from credit card fraud

While entirely eliminating the risk of credit card fraud isn’t possible, reducing the chances you will be hit requires...

Protect yourself from credit card fraud

Credit Cards

Money saving tips for summer fun

Why your savings shouldn't go on vacation when you do

Money saving tips for summer fun
ontario budget 2017

Credit Cards

Canadians pay with cash less than half the time

More shoppers are reaching for credit cards, Bank of Canada finds

Canadians pay with cash less than half the time

Credit Cards

Credit report errors continue to cost Canadians

Improvements made in U.S. aren't coming here anytime soon

Credit report errors continue to cost Canadians



Credit Cards

Code of conduct extended to mobile payments

Users to control default settings

Code of conduct extended to mobile payments

Credit Cards

Canadians fall deeper into debt

Millennials doing a better job of staying afloat than Gen X however

Canadians fall deeper into debt

Credit Cards

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion agree to changes

Changes in reporting long sought by consumer advocates

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion agree to changes

Credit Cards

Canadian consumer debt hits $1.53 trillion: Equifax

7.7% increase mainly driven by credit cards

Canadian consumer debt hits $1.53 trillion: Equifax


Credit Cards

American Express raises interest rates on some cards

Average hike of 2.5%

American Express raises interest rates on some cards
