
Credit Cards

Credit Cards

Want a lower credit card rate?

All you've got to do is ask

Want a lower credit card rate?

Ask MoneySense

What’s better: Paying with credit or cash?

There's no right or wrong answer, it depends entirely on your habits

What’s better: Paying with credit or cash?

Credit Cards

Keep your credit card at a different bank

This tip will prevent banks from deducting money from your account

Keep your credit card at a different bank


How to use credit cards, wisely

Editor-at-Large Jonathan Chevreau had a weakness for CDs and it sent his credit card balance soaring. Here's how he...

How to use credit cards, wisely



Credit Cards

The lowdown on the new Costco credit card

It's better than the old Amex Costco card but not as good as other MasterCards

The lowdown on the new Costco credit card

Credit Cards

Visa, Mastercard agree to cut merchant fees

It should result in lower prices for consumers

Visa, Mastercard agree to cut merchant fees

Credit Cards

Will lower merchant credit card fees mean lower prices?

Banks, credit card companies agree to cap interchange fees

Will lower merchant credit card fees mean lower prices?

Credit Cards

Will Ottawa accept voluntary plan to cut interchange fees?

Annoucement could come as early as today

Will Ottawa accept voluntary plan to cut interchange fees?


Credit Cards

Credit cards with access to private airport lounges

Are they worth the added cost?

Credit cards with access to private airport lounges
