Are auto insurance premiums cheapest if you sign up in August?
Insurance companies cannot increase rates willy-nilly
Insurance companies cannot increase rates willy-nilly
READ: How to cut your auto insurance costsAuto insurance rates are approved by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) which has in place a defined application process. Insurance companies need to submit the financials to the government regulator who approves or denies rate increases. Rates can only be changed quarterly and you can see the changes dating back to 1999 here. Insurance companies are capped at a maximum amount of profit and they cannot increase rates willy-nilly whenever they want. For an insurance company to receive approval for a rate increase it must be able to show that it has actually had losses in one of the categories—home, auto, etc. FSCO states that when considering setting rates it will review with its actuaries all the insurance companies’ details in its proposal and data to make sure as per the law, that it is:
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