
Life Insurance

A small child walking up a log with his mom holding his hand

Life Insurance

How much does life insurance cost in Canada?

We look at the prices for whole and term life insurance, and the factors that go into determining how...

How much does life insurance cost in Canada?
Tax spelled out with wooden blocks

Life Insurance

Is life insurance taxable in Canada?

We list what to do to make sure you're not leaving your loved ones in a tax bind. Find...

Is life insurance taxable in Canada?
The sun is setting on a row of houses on a suburban street.

Life Insurance

Life insurance vs. mortgage insurance: Let’s break it down

Usually it’s a choice between term life insurance and whole life insurance. But where does mortgage insurance come into...

Life insurance vs. mortgage insurance: Let’s break it down
A man shopping in the produce aisle, deciding between two apples

Life Insurance

Term vs. whole life insurance: Which type of policy is best?

Before you sign on the dotted line, here’s what you need to know when choosing between whole and term...

Term vs. whole life insurance: Which type of policy is best?



An older couple with their young adult son, who has down syndrome.

Life Insurance

How much life insurance do I need?

Here’s how to figure out how much life insurance you need to ensure your family will be financially secure...

How much life insurance do I need?
A woman looking down at her feet, trying to figure out which way to go.

Life Insurance

Which type of life insurance is best?

If getting the best type life insurance is on your current to-do list, read on to figure out which...

Which type of life insurance is best?
A woman in a blouse smiling

Ask a Planner

Can life insurance be used as a fixed income investment?

Emerging from a serious health scare, Dana wonders if she can use her life insurance to replace the bonds...

Can life insurance be used as a fixed income investment?

Ask MoneySense

Using life insurance to leave your kids an inheritance

Like a reverse mortgage, you would borrow against the policy’s cash value. When you pass away, the loan is...

Using life insurance to leave your kids an inheritance


Ask a Planner

What is wealth insurance?

Charles wants to know if he should consider buying wealth insurance in order to maximize the after-tax value of...

What is wealth insurance?
