
Life Insurance

short term renters trash home


What to do if short-term renters trash your home

Even when they follow your rules, Airbnb guests may cause damage to your most expensive asset. But the right...

What to do if short-term renters trash your home


Should I invest my money or buy a life insurance policy instead?

Which makes more sense if Alessandro wants to leave money to his kids

Should I invest my money or buy a life insurance policy instead?

Ask MoneySense

Does life insurance beat investing to cover final taxes?

This couple needs to offset $400,000 in estate taxes

Does life insurance beat investing to cover final taxes?

Ask MoneySense

How long can term life insurance “terms” be for?

And do you need to take a medical exam to get insurance?

How long can term life insurance “terms” be for?



Ask MoneySense

Life insurance to save you estate taxes

You might be gone, but your estate can still owe taxes. Mitigate the tax hit

Life insurance to save you estate taxes

Ask MoneySense

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?

Whole life is like a GIC with free life insurance if held long enough

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?

Ask MoneySense

How life insurance can protect from debt risks

Using a personal line of credit to pay tuition could leave you liable

How life insurance can protect from debt risks
A mother and her young son smile and share a pair of earbuds


How to choose the right insurance

Tara isn’t sure if mortgage, life or disability insurance is the right way to go for her and her...

How to choose the right insurance


whole life insurance

Ask MoneySense

How life insurance can shave your capital gains tax

Upon retirement, it's no use for income replacement, but there are other benefits

How life insurance can shave your capital gains tax
