
Life Insurance


I’m young and healthy. Do I need life insurance?

There are plenty of reasons you still need coverage

I’m young and healthy. Do I need life insurance?
disability insurance

Ask MoneySense

Term life insurance vs. universal life

If you have both, here are the pros and cons of cancelling each

Term life insurance vs. universal life
extracurricular activities

Ask MoneySense

Should you buy life insurance for children?

Consider a whole life policy. Here's why

Should you buy life insurance for children?

Financial Planning

How many beneficiaries can you have?

Four of five big banks have no maximum

How many beneficiaries can you have?




Does our young family have enough insurance?

Sammu and Mandy Dhaliwall have three kids under age five. Is this young couple fully covered in case of...

Does our young family have enough insurance?
life insurance

Financial Planning

Alumni life insurance gets a failing grade

Seek out your own policy for greater savings

Alumni life insurance gets a failing grade
insurance coverage retirement planning

Disability Insurance

Finding the right cover

Retirement planning? Decide which insurance is right for you

Finding the right cover
life insurance

Ask a Planner

Should I have life insurance in retirement?

George isn't sure if his $100 monthly insurance premiums are better off in a savings account

Should I have life insurance in retirement?


whole life insurance

Financial Planning

How to lower your term life insurance rates

These factors can boost or drop premiums

How to lower your term life insurance rates
