


A new kind of annuity designed to help Canadian retirees live well, for longer

Afraid of outliving your retirement savings? The latest federal budget may (or may not) have an answer for you

A new kind of annuity designed to help Canadian retirees live well, for longer


Should I invest my money or buy a life insurance policy instead?

Which makes more sense if Alessandro wants to leave money to his kids

Should I invest my money or buy a life insurance policy instead?

Ask MoneySense

Is the homeowner responsible for an accident on his property?

Someone slipped and fell on Ray’s driveway. His home isn’t insured. Our expert looks at what might happen next.

Is the homeowner responsible for an accident on his property?

Auto Insurance

How to save money on auto insurance

A survey by shows 25% of drivers never review their policies—missing out on savings

How to save money on auto insurance



Ask MoneySense

I was injured because airbags didn’t open. What recourse do I have?

You can report faulty vehicle design

I was injured because airbags didn’t open. What recourse do I have?

Ask MoneySense

Does life insurance beat investing to cover final taxes?

This couple needs to offset $400,000 in estate taxes

Does life insurance beat investing to cover final taxes?

Ask MoneySense

How long can term life insurance “terms” be for?

And do you need to take a medical exam to get insurance?

How long can term life insurance “terms” be for?

Ask MoneySense

Are auto insurance premiums cheapest if you sign up in August?

Insurance companies cannot increase rates willy-nilly

Are auto insurance premiums cheapest if you sign up in August?



Why you may want to opt out of your employer’s health benefits

If a spouse has extended benefits, you may be paying twice

Why you may want to opt out of your employer’s health benefits
