


Insuring yourself against cancer

Critical illness insurance vs. cancer insurance: What to know

Insuring yourself against cancer

Ask MoneySense

Life insurance to save you estate taxes

You might be gone, but your estate can still owe taxes. Mitigate the tax hit

Life insurance to save you estate taxes

Ask MoneySense

Are segregated funds right for an 85-year-old?

Seg funds carry very high fees. Buyer beware

Are segregated funds right for an 85-year-old?

Ask MoneySense

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?

Whole life is like a GIC with free life insurance if held long enough

Should we cash in our whole life policies and invest?




Dealing with the high costs of dental care

Six million people annually avoid dentists because of costs

Dealing with the high costs of dental care

Ask MoneySense

How life insurance can protect from debt risks

Using a personal line of credit to pay tuition could leave you liable

How life insurance can protect from debt risks

Ask MoneySense

Can I cancel my mortgage life insurance? It’s too costly

Are there other options?

Can I cancel my mortgage life insurance? It’s too costly
disability insurance

Financial Planning

Pay for insurance annually

Save $150 or more by skipping the monthly option

Pay for insurance annually


A mother and her young son smile and share a pair of earbuds


How to choose the right insurance

Tara isn’t sure if mortgage, life or disability insurance is the right way to go for her and her...

How to choose the right insurance
