

April 2015

Dignity, but no indemnity

Can the terminally ill count on life insurance in cases of assisted death?

Dignity, but no indemnity

From the archives

The only insurance guide you need

Everything you need to know about disability, life, travel, auto and home insurance in one easy-to-read article.

The only insurance guide you need


Best cars for students

It's not easy to find the perfect vehicle for your offspring. Here we rank the 5 best first cars...

Best cars for students

Ask MoneySense

How smokers can save on life insurance

The insurance industry is skeptical about quitters

How smokers can save on life insurance



Home Insurance

Cut your home insurance bill by 20%

Paid off your home in full? Got a new home? You’re entitled to a discount

Cut your home insurance bill by 20%


Secret home insurance discounts

12 breaks you might not know about

Secret home insurance discounts


Can life annuities mimic pensions?

Darren envies his wife’s workplace pension. Can life annuities match its income for life, with no stock market risk?...

Can life annuities mimic pensions?


How to figure your life insurance needs

Life insurance may be the most unselfish thing you can do for your family but deciding how much is...

How to figure your life insurance needs


Ask MoneySense

Is term life insurance worth the cost?

Term life insurance protects your family from an unexpected calamity

Is term life insurance worth the cost?
