

A man sits outside near hedges, contemplating transferring his home to his daughter's name

Ask a Planner

Should you transfer property to a child and then rent it from them?

Satyesh is considering transferring his home to his daughter and then renting it back from her. What are the...

Should you transfer property to a child and then rent it from them?
The Toronto skyline of bank buildings


Making sense of the markets this week: July 10

The worst start for markets since 1962, rate-hike fears, the pending real estate collapse and bank brokerages hide high-interest...

Making sense of the markets this week: July 10
A woman in her 80s is sitting on her couch at home, removing her glasses, as she is thinking about selling her home or get a reverse mortgage.

Ask a Planner

Should I sell and rent or get a reverse mortgage?

What to consider before selling your home or getting a reverse mortgage. The math reveals the real costs for...

Should I sell and rent or get a reverse mortgage?
An older woman sits in a chair by the window, sketching with a pencil and paper.

Ask a Planner

Capital gains, taxes and more: The implications of inheriting real estate

There are tax, estate and other implications when inheriting real estate, even from family.

Capital gains, taxes and more: The implications of inheriting real estate



Three pairs of shoes are nicely placed in the entryway of a home

Real Estate

Read this before applying for the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

The FTHBI promises to help make real estate more affordable, but there’s a catch: It’s a loan you have...

Read this before applying for the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

Real Estate

Do you have real estate FOMO? What you need to know before it affects your finances

An effect of many Canadians being priced out of the housing market, real estate FOMO can cause you to...

Do you have real estate FOMO? What you need to know before it affects your finances

Real Estate

What it’s like to be a first-time home buyer in Ontario—for real

Getting your foot on the property ladder in Ontario is not easy thanks to soaring real estate prices. But...

What it’s like to be a first-time home buyer in Ontario—for real
A woman stresses over an important financial decision

Mortgage Terms

Now’s not the time to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage

As interest rates climb, variable mortgage rate holders may start to panic. Here’s why you should avoid the temptation...

Now’s not the time to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage



Watch: What Is the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive?

Watch: What Is the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive?
