

couple struggling with online application


Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?

Will credit card debt affect my mortgage application?
A couple hold the keys to their new home

Mortgage Terms

Why the mortgage stress test isn’t the villain it was made out to be

The mortgage qualifying tool has been subject to plenty of criticism. However, with rising interest rates, it may be...

Why the mortgage stress test isn’t the villain it was made out to be


Watch: Does debt impact your mortgage application?

Watch: Does debt impact your mortgage application?


Watch: What is the mortgage stress test?

Watch: What is the mortgage stress test?




Watch: What is mortgage affordability?

Watch: What is mortgage affordability?


Understanding mortgage affordability

Mortgage affordability provides an estimate of how much money you can afford to borrow for a home. Learn more...

Understanding mortgage affordability
A couple unpack boxes at their new home in Toronto

Real Estate

How to make it as a first-time home buyer in Toronto

If you’re discouraged by the sky-high prices, hefty closing fees and bidding wars—don’t worry, there are still options for...

How to make it as a first-time home buyer in Toronto

Real Estate

10 must-use housing and mortgage calculators

These tools will help you decide on big housing dilemmas, including buy or rent, refinance or renew, fixed or...

10 must-use housing and mortgage calculators


Ask MoneySense

“Should we refinance our mortgage?”

Rates are significantly lower than the one Jill and Bob have locked into until 2024. Would they save money...

“Should we refinance our mortgage?”
