


What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a loan that can help you buy the perfect home. Here’s how they work, how to...

What is a mortgage?
A couple sitting on their couch enjoying their home, as they look out the windwo


Should you take RRSP withdrawals to pay down debt?

With a partner out of work, this reader is considering a RRSP withdrawal to try to reduce her mortgage...

Should you take RRSP withdrawals to pay down debt?


What is a mortgage broker?

Mortgage brokers are mortgage specialists who have access to a network of lenders, ensuring you get the best mortgage...

What is a mortgage broker?
how to tell if home insurance settlement is fair couple at home in kitchen

Home Insurance

How to tell if your home insurance settlement is fair

How much does home insurance pay out? Here’s how to assess if your settlement is fair, plus tips on...

How to tell if your home insurance settlement is fair



A woman in a kitchen, at the island, looking up her credit score on a computer.


How to get a mortgage with bad credit

Can you get a mortgage with bad credit? Yes, but there are some things to know before you apply...

How to get a mortgage with bad credit

Real Estate

Post-election 2021 update: Would the parties’ housing proposals help you afford a first home?

With the Liberals forming another minority government, the Conservatives and NDP can still play a role in shaping housing...

Post-election 2021 update: Would the parties’ housing proposals help you afford a first home?
multi-generational family

Real Estate

Should you help your adult children to buy real estate?

With home ownership becoming increasingly difficult for millennials to achieve, many are turning to the Bank of Mum and...

Should you help your adult children to buy real estate?
silver-haired couple

Sponsored by Equitable Bank

“Which reverse mortgage is right for me?”

Two lenders in Canada offer reverse mortgages—and while their offerings are similar in many ways, there are key differences...

“Which reverse mortgage is right for me?”


couple with moving boxes

Ask a Planner

Home buyers: How large should your down payment be?

Is it best to maximize your down payment on a house or condo purchase, or keep some money to...

Home buyers: How large should your down payment be?
