
Real Estate

A woman uses her laptop while sitting at a desk


Mortgage renewal calculator

Is your mortgage coming up for renewal soon? Use this tool to figure out if switching lenders could save...

Mortgage renewal calculator
Canadian holding keys to a new home, in hopes that the Bank of Canada rate announcement will have an impact on mortgage rates.


Making sense of the Bank of Canada interest rate decision on July 24, 2024

Making sense of the Bank of Canada interest rate decision on July 24, 2024


Mortgage payment calculator

Use a mortgage payment calculator to understand what a mortgage will cost you in real terms.

Mortgage payment calculator
Two brothers fishing at their Canadian cottage.


Selling a cottage to a family member: What that means for capital gains

If the property was bought before 1994, there may already have a $100,000 capital gains deduction.

Selling a cottage to a family member: What that means for capital gains



Canadian family saying goodbye to the cottage they're selling.


Tax deductible expenses when selling a cottage in Canada

Minimize capital gains taxes on the sale of a cottage in Canada by making smart reno choices.

Tax deductible expenses when selling a cottage in Canada
A Canadian son with his mom, moving into the condo she helped him pay for.


6 things to consider before borrowing from the Bank of Mom and Dad for your first home

Borrowing from family can seem convenient, but there are things to think about first, like interest, taxes, family power...

6 things to consider before borrowing from the Bank of Mom and Dad for your first home
A mother looks at her mortgage options online


Should you get a 30-year mortgage? 

Longer mortgages can stretch the amount you qualify for and provide some wiggle room in your budget. Here’s how...

Should you get a 30-year mortgage? 
A male carpenter approaching retirement

Ask a Planner

Can you help your kids financially without compromising your retirement?

A Certified Financial Planner explains what to think about before helping your kids with a gift or loan.

Can you help your kids financially without compromising your retirement?


Real Estate

The complete guide for first-time home buyers in Canada

The complete guide for first-time home buyers in Canada
