

Ask MoneySense

Don’t bother selling your investments to pay off the mortgage

Selling high returns for low-rate debt doesn't add up

Don’t bother selling your investments to pay off the mortgage
A paint tray of fresh paint for the walls.

Ask MoneySense

Using RRSP money for a renovation

Janet is hoping the value of her investment property will increase and make up for the RRSP loss

Using RRSP money for a renovation
toronto real estate toronto housing bubble


Toronto’s top neighbourhoods

Toronto real estate is crazy—but there are still spots that offer value

Toronto’s top neighbourhoods
tiny house


How to hack it in a tiny house

Here are tips from Canadians who've taken the leap

How to hack it in a tiny house



Real Estate

Tax credits and rebates for homeowners

Reno rebates and claims could lower your costs substantially

Tax credits and rebates for homeowners
unused RRSP room for roof repairs


How to add light to your home

Skylights have come a long way from single panes of glass

How to add light to your home
home renovation


Millennials to lead home reno spending in 2017

But Baby Boomers still have bigger budgets

Millennials to lead home reno spending in 2017
toronto real estate bubble


Foreign buyers aren’t driving Toronto real estate

According to TREB Toronto homes will see another year of double digit gains, but the new mortgage rules are...

Foreign buyers aren’t driving Toronto real estate


kitchen updates


5 low-stress, low-cost kitchen updates

Refresh your kitchen, save money (and a headache)

5 low-stress, low-cost kitchen updates
