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Calculating the tax on rental property sales when reno receipts are missing

Is there a reasonable amount CRA will accept for repairs without receipts?

Calculating the tax on rental property sales when reno receipts are missing
canadian loonie


Selling your home to your kids—for $1

You need to consider if the savings for your child are worth the risk to you

Selling your home to your kids—for $1

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How joint property ownership rights work

What happens when the property is sold depends on how it's jointly owned.

How joint property ownership rights work

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Calculate capital gains tax on a house with a rented basement

Fernanda has owned the home for 21 years and is now selling

Calculate capital gains tax on a house with a rented basement



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Does it make sense to sell two condos to buy one pricier home?

To find out, this couple needs to calculate all the costs

Does it make sense to sell two condos to buy one pricier home?

Ask a Planner

Should you buy real estate just to stay in the market?

Face it. There are plenty of other better options.

Should you buy real estate just to stay in the market?


Capital gains surprises on the sale of your co-owned cottage

Investing in real estate: one cottage sale with two different tax implications

Capital gains surprises on the sale of your co-owned cottage
edmonton real estate rankings


Top neighbourhoods in Edmonton’s outer suburbs 2018

There is a lot of real estate value upside in Edmonton's downtown St. Albert neighbourhood

Top neighbourhoods in Edmonton’s outer suburbs 2018


calgary real estate rankings


Top neighbourhoods in Calgary’s outer suburbs 2018

The hottest neighbourhoods around Calgary are in the southeast or the northwest

Top neighbourhoods in Calgary’s outer suburbs 2018
