

ottawa real estate rankings


Top neighbourhoods in Ottawa’s inner suburbs 2018

In Ottawa, if you can't afford a home in Alta Vista, try Elmvale Acres

Top neighbourhoods in Ottawa’s inner suburbs 2018
calgary real estate rankings


Top neighbourhoods in Calgary’s core and inner suburbs 2018

There is value to be found in Calgary's Kingsland neighbourhood

Top neighbourhoods in Calgary’s core and inner suburbs 2018


Canada’s top cities to buy real estate in 2018

Brantford: This year's No. 1 city to buy real estate is affordable with a strong economy

Canada’s top cities to buy real estate in 2018


Where to buy real estate in Greater Vancouver 2018

New Westminster real estate has big value

Where to buy real estate in Greater Vancouver 2018



winnipeg real estate rankings


Top neighbourhoods in Winnipeg’s core 2018

Winnipeg's best value neighbourhoods are not its cheapest

Top neighbourhoods in Winnipeg’s core 2018


Top neighbourhoods in GTA’s outer suburbs 2018

Watch for growth along Highway 400, between the city and the cottage

Top neighbourhoods in GTA’s outer suburbs 2018

Ask a Planner

Avoiding tax and probate when passing down a rental property

Putting a child on the title of a rental house could be like playing a game of whack-a-mole

Avoiding tax and probate when passing down a rental property


Canadian real estate market outlook 2018

Most markets will simply flatline before rebalancing by the end of the year

Canadian real estate market outlook 2018


Ask MoneySense

Avoiding Canadian tax on U.S. property

Sonja and her spouse are splitting their assets. Can she claim a U.S. property as her principal residence?

Avoiding Canadian tax on U.S. property
