Should I underprice my home to start a bidding war?
Overpriced homes actually sell for more, according to a U.S. research study
Overpriced homes actually sell for more, according to a U.S. research study
–> sellers who listed their homes 10% to 20% higher than other homes in the neighbourhood saw a slight increase of 0.05% to 0.07%, on average, in the final sale price (which translates to an extra $117 to $163 in the final sale price);
–> however, sellers who listed their homes 10% to 20% lower than other homes in the neighbourhood saw a slight decrease of 0.05% to 0.08% in the final sale price (which translates to a loss between $117 and $187 from the final sale price).
According to the co-authors, Grace Bucchianeri, former assistant professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Julia Minson, a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, the research findings were evidence of a behavioural trait known as “anchoring.” This trait assumes that, as rational decision-makers, we’ll rely on the first piece of information offered (known as the anchor) when making decisions. Once buyers have an anchor, they’ll examine and interpret all other information in relation to the anchor. The takeaway: as a seller you want to establish the anchor that will be used as the framework for evaluating your home and the price a buyer is willing to pay for that home. Still, there are always exceptions to the rule. According to one New York-based real estate broker, overpricing a property works best when inventory is low. Still, other real estate agents take the opposite approach: stating that an underpriced property in a low-inventory market sparks activity in buyers. So, what should you do? The best advice is to collect as much information as you can. For instance, is it a buyer’s market? Or a seller’s market? (To learn about the difference and how to determine what type of market it is read my previous column on this topic.) Also, what were the final sale prices of other, similar properties that recently sold in your neighbourhood? Finally, do you have any features that other properties don’t have (a larger backyard, a newly renovated kitchen)—properties that could be considered extra value to potential buyers? The more information you can get about the overall market and, specifically, about your neighbourhood, the better armed you’ll be when settling on your list price.Share this article Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Reddit Share on Email