
Vacation Homes


Top 10 Montreal neighbourhoods to buy in

Ranked based on value and price momentum

Top 10 Montreal neighbourhoods to buy in


Top 10 Hamilton neighbourhoods to buy in 2018

Ranked based on value and price appreciation

Top 10 Hamilton neighbourhoods to buy in 2018
cottage purchases capital gains tax

Ask MoneySense

Paying capital gains tax on a jointly-owned cottage

Do you pay when each person dies? Or when the cottage is sold?

Paying capital gains tax on a jointly-owned cottage

Financial Planning

Snowbird? Learn the “substantial presence” test

Learn the tax pitfalls of retiring to the sun in the U.S.

Snowbird? Learn the “substantial presence” test




You have to see this music producer’s $13M mansion

Ron Fair and his wife, songwriter-producer Stefanie Ridel, put their LA home up for sale

You have to see this music producer’s $13M mansion


Tips for Snoop Dogg on his move north to Canada

With Donald Trump as the new U.S. President, some celebs are looking to live elsewhere. Snoop Dogg went public...

Tips for Snoop Dogg on his move north to Canada

Income Properties

How you can protect your portfolio under Trump

Plus, no more gift tax and tougher border-crossing

How you can protect your portfolio under Trump
Canadian real estate


Tips for U.S. residents buying Canadian real estate

While Canada's mortgage rates are enticing, you really need to concentrate on the tax and insurance implications

Tips for U.S. residents buying Canadian real estate



How much you’d save if you skipped buying a house

Could you afford to live in a float home? Find out here

How much you’d save if you skipped buying a house
